Kilke Connects Training

Photo: Hylke Greidanus

The essence of successful public speaking is making an authentic connection with your audience. 

Kilke Connects offers the following training programmes:

Do you have a fear of speaking to overcome? Or perhaps you are an experienced speaker and want to add a special element to your speaking style. Whatever your needs, you are very welcome! 

Kilke Connects’ unique approach helps you use your natural personality to create an engaging connection with your audience. This way you convey your message confidently, effectively and with impact.

All training includes practical one-on-one and group exercises with individual feedback and tailored coaching. Through a unique method, you will learn the skill of authentic public speaking, applicable on a professional and personal level. Both one-on-one and in groups, live and online.

Participants include executives, consultants, trainers, educators and clients working in the public, cultural, medical and financial sectors.

Kilke provides open training as well as in-company training, individually or together with fellow trainers and speakers. Kilke’s training courses are given personally on location, but have also been developed for online use to fit the modern working environment. As a result, Kilke is able to reach and work with clients and businesses internationally.

Kilke plays an active role in the worldwide network of Relational Presence®  Relational Presence harnesses the power of attention in communication and is now used worldwide to great success. Kilke is the co-developer of exciting new programs in which this powerful method and her own background come together in a very unique way.
